The Flags@87 pages are about the different flags that fly on poles at 87 Worcester Street, Ashhurst.
Our collection now has more than 220 country flags - more than $4700 worth. Most of the flags cost about $20, but some less common flags are closer to $30, and the Heavy Duty ones like Ukraine and the New Zealand one at the gate cost about $50.
During the year, flags from different nations or regions around the world will be flown on the beside the New Zealand flag, on important dates such as national, constitutional or independence days.
Occasionally, flags will be flown with reference to past or future dates. This will happen when there is more than one flag to be flown on one day. - e.g. July 1st is Canada, also the British Virgin Islands, Hong Kong, Burundi, Cayman Islands, Rwanda and Somalia, and the rest of the month is fairly full. Deciding what flags fly on those days is always challenging.
Flag choice on any of the conflicting days will be the Asia/Pacific region first, European nations second, and other nations follow at the owners discretion after that.
This is an almost complete list of country flags in our collection. It does not list novelty flags may also be frown - ie ANZAC day, Christmas Day, St Patrick's day, Australia day etc.
The third column in the list is alternative date options. June and July are chaos months.
If you see an issue, let us know. If you like what I do and would like to financially support my hobby, feel free to email me at
And thanks for visiting!
Thank you to The Flag Shop, Christchurch for supplying the flags we fly.